Development Phases

The success of any investment/development business like ours is based on satisfied customers. To achieve this end, Black Labs uses a structured approach in all aspects of our business from our proposals to our hardware and software development. The following documents are internally generated and will be presented to potential and contracted customers at the appropriate stages in any project.


The proposal is our understanding of the scope and nature of the work that we are committing to. It also includes our high level design approach and an estimate of the level of effort and the calendar time involved. The potential customer should review this document carefully to verify that it accurately reflects his or her objectives and timeframe.

Detailed Design Document

The design document is completed after a contract is signed and is a much more detailed document about the design approach, the milestones and the expected date of each milestone. This document also estimates product parameters such as power consumption, battery life, weight and size of the finished product.

Design Reviews/Progress Reports

One or both of these is always employed to keep the customer appraised of the status of the program. Formal design reviews and/or progress reports can be produced as frequently as weekly or as infrequently as monthly depending on the desire of the customer. Because the Progress Reports reference milestones in the Detailed Design Document, the customer should know exactly the current state of a project at all times.

Completion Report

At the conclusion of the project, a completion report is produced that outlines any deviations made from the proposed design during development and the reasons for these deviations. It also gives actual product parameters such as measured power consumption, battery life, weight and size of the finished product and compares them with the design estimates produced at the beginning of the project.

User Documentation

A variety of user documents can be prepared depending on the needs of the customer including Theory of Operation Manuals, Service Manuals and User Guides suitable for the end user as well as flowcharts and other documentation for an FDA submission.